Episode 83 - Why isn't it working?! (feat Denise Pirko)
00:01:09 The uncomprehending rage of the political right as their lines fail to land
00:01:47 Pell's hell as he's off to a cell
00:07:31 The Australian right's best attempts to convince you Pell's swell
00:48:15 How badly does JWH's reference for Pell smell
00:50:48 Hadley rings the bell
00:53:54 Pell's referee campaigning for Gladys
00:55:39 Boat poll shock
00:56:46 "last" kids off Nauru
01:01:16 Scummo's department for "apparently" stopping the boats
01:03:04 Dutton's absurd line about refugees taking hospital beds and homes (audio from Dutton, Keneally, Herald Sun political editor and Scummo)
01:28:23 Stuck in my craw - Jeremy Poxon from the Australian Unemployed Workers' Union on this week's revelations about the government's cruel "ParentsNext" monstrosity