Episode 78 - The Quiet Australians (feat Kristin O'Connell)
00:01:20 Unprecedented weather conditions aren't anything to worry about
00:02:45 Murray Darling just one of those things
00:10:57 Audit of Libs' dodgy $443m PLUS $86m GBR giveaway
00:14:38 Scummo's Quiet Australians
00:17:24 Boardgame corner
00:20:50 Scummo's 26 Jan culture war on councils
00:26:58 Disingenuous 25 Jan distraction
00:32:20 Suggestion for date
00:36:27 Renters rights - why shouldn't they be the same as mortgagees'?
00:39:46 Australia Vs Humanity (indigenous kids locked up, dying; deporting some whilst being resentful others "snub" us)
00:51:18 Ironic unsolicited text messages