Episode 86 - On the record, Sam (feat Tom Ballard)

00:02:43 Christchurch, and Tom's discussion with Samah Sabawi this week

00:04:10 Blot, Dutton, Scummo totally not whipping up hatred against muslims

00:17:43 LNP response to Christchurch

00:18:42 Scummo's embarrassing day at the mic

00:24:49 What Dumb Shit Has LNP Senator Linda Reynold Said Now

00:40:23 What is stuck in Tim's Craw

Somewhere in there we did discuss the NSW state election tomorrow, sort of, but look is anyone listening to this podcast in any danger of voting for the NSW ALP, let alone the Libs? You know the Libs have flogged off $70bn of public assets, and are busy wrecking the hospital system. Clearly they need to go. Maybe throw your vote to a party that cares about public services, then preference the ALP, and put the hideous Libs and even crazier far-right parties last. Good luck negotiating that ridiculous giant ballot paper! We'll be thinking of you.

Episode 84 - Bubble Warning (feat Corrine)

00:01:58 Scummo's international women's day message

00:07:01 Andrew Broad's message on women in parliament

00:09:00 Scummo's irresponsible use of the word "bubble" and the harm it does when children are present

00:12:00 Scummo and Angus Taylor try to fudge latest emissions figures

00:20:20 Nats leader Michael McCormack warns us of what action on climate change will do to night footy

00:28:14 Matthias Cormann accidentally points out that low wages are a "feature" of the LNP's economic policy

00:31:36 LNP senator Linda Reynolds's spectacular instant backtrack after finding out she's contradicting Cormann not Shorten

00:35:00 Tony Abbott uses twitter to boost his opponent

00:36:16 Mark Latham reveals that he finds accurate but critical words oppressive

00:38:20 Nats leader Michael McCormack reveals he always puts miners ahead of farmers

00:44:02 Scummo still spouting lies about beds and houses being taken by refugees

00:48:10 Julian Burnside for Kooyong - some revcealing commentary by Ben Fordham and Peter Dutton

Episode 83 - Why isn't it working?! (feat Denise Pirko)

00:01:09 The uncomprehending rage of the political right as their lines fail to land

00:01:47 Pell's hell as he's off to a cell

00:07:31 The Australian right's best attempts to convince you Pell's swell

00:48:15 How badly does JWH's reference for Pell smell

00:50:48 Hadley rings the bell

00:53:54 Pell's referee campaigning for Gladys

00:55:39 Boat poll shock

00:56:46 "last" kids off Nauru

01:01:16 Scummo's department for "apparently" stopping the boats

01:03:04 Dutton's absurd line about refugees taking hospital beds and homes (audio from Dutton, Keneally, Herald Sun political editor and Scummo)

01:28:23 Stuck in my craw - Jeremy Poxon from the Australian Unemployed Workers' Union on this week's revelations about the government's cruel "ParentsNext" monstrosity