Episode 51 - Batmanvotes: Adani't you want us to chat about it?
A week of weird stuff about the Greens; Melbourne and Tunnels; Malcolm and Barnaby's "special relationships".
A week of weird stuff about the Greens; Melbourne and Tunnels; Malcolm and Barnaby's "special relationships".
00:01:05 Crashy McCrashyface
00:02:03 Ludlum's reflections on life as a parliamentarian
00:05:25 What're we getting for our generous ongoing investment in Mark Latham
00:07:25 ABC vs government pressure update
00:10:08 You don't need that internet speed, but Malcolm does
00:11:10 Fairfax printing some pretty silly stuff from the Federal Libs about Victoria
00:13:00 The Oz vs Alex Bhathal
00:17:20 Barnabye
00:19:29 New Deputy PM Michael McCormack - has he been rehabilitated?
00:33:13 Michaelia Cash wants to shame female staffers
00:33:37 Ginger's Stuck In My Craw
00:40:15 Julie's Shrodinger's Boyfriend
00:45:06 I pledge to thee my Dutton
00:47:12 Landy's annals of history
00:47:54 MakeRentingFair.org
01:10 Short update on bloody Barnaby
12:47 Libs vs ABC vs Alberici
22:48 SIMC - Denise Pirko
25:11 Dutton and Abbott's latest anti-immigrant rant
27:44 Matthew Guy's latest idiocy
32:10 The cashless debit card: stupid, racist and harmful, and here's why
PS https://vimeo.com/155307641
An extremely up-to-the-minute musing on the Barnaby vs Malcolm stoush.
From mad right-wing economics to the craziness of the nation's nastiest fundamentalist men, it's a great year to be back watching Australian politics.