Episode 47 - Insufficient Flag Waving (feat Brandon Selic)

[Please note: we recorded on Tuesday night, before we knew about the cabinet leaks being FROM AN ACTUAL SECOND HAND CABINET. Like, minutes before we knew. Thanks, WMWS Effect.]

00:02:13 NSW Trains - who needs the right to strike? (Links: 
https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jan/25/sydney-train-strike-stopped-fair-work-blocks-union-action; https://www.theguardian.com/business/grogonomics/2018/jan/28/expect-a-big-fight-on-industrial-relations-this-year-as-low-wage-growth-fuels-discontent)
00:09:34 Abbott's plan to starve poor young people (Link: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-29/tony-abbotts-razor-gang-considered-welfare-ban-for-under-30s/9352888)
00:18:58 Shorten now wants a federal ICAC (Link: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jan/30/labor-promises-federal-integrity-commission-if-it-wins-the-next-election)
00:24:26 Trumble's Guns! Guns! Guns! (Link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/28/australia-unveils-plan-to-become-one-of-worlds-top-10-arms-exporters)
00:29:15 Stuck in my Craw - Ben Pobjie. Matthew Guy's "Australian values" dogwhistle
00:31:45 Enforced Patriotism Corner (Links: https://twitter.com/jeremysear/status/956386083360555008, https://twitter.com/MartinPakulaMP/status/956774746108018688, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5310103/The-real-story-settlement-Australia-1788.html
00:35:28 I stand with Tarneen (Links: https://www.3aw.com.au/invasion-day-protest-organiser-refuses-to-answer-questions-calls-neil-mitchell-a-racist/, http://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/news/invasion-day-activist-criticised-after-controversial-remarks/news-story/870aa39f9fc5cf9a42472017a1324de5, http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/calls-for-invasion-day-rally-organiser-tarneen-onuswilliams-to-be-sacked-from-government-body/news-story/2299d48d3a2b4c8d346133b3f559ecbd, http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/invasion-day-rally-organiser-says-her-comments-australia-should-burn-to-the-ground-should-not-be-taken-literally-20180126-p4yyxo.html, http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/reality-tv/is-married-at-first-sights-telv-related-to-aboriginal-abolish-australia-activist-tarneen-onuswilliams/news-story/acaeea08351476db1f221d9941b1493a)
00:51:44 Australia Vs Humanity - Remember ScoMo's evil; leaving baby in danger on Nauru; Manus Island asylum seeker tied down and force fed in PNG (Links: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/jan/30/scott-morrison-asked-asio-to-delay-asylum-seekers-visa-checks-papers-show
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-30/scott-morrison-tried-to-delay-asylum-seekers-visas/9353350, http://www.smh.com.au/national/manus-island-asylum-seeker-tied-down-force-fed-in-png-hospital-20180126-p4yyxy.html)
01:05:32 Discussion about what to expect this year

Episode 46 - The Last Refuge of Scoundrels (feat Ben Pobjie)

00:01:30 Look over there while Trumble's mob try to ram through huge corporate tax cuts
00:03:07 The TPP is back, cunningly disguised by calling it "TPP11"
00:12:00 Changing minds
00:22:45 Ginger's Stuck in my Craw - Cory declares war on musicians people love
00:25:04 Are the right fired up about #changethedate because the LNP needs a distraction, or are they really afraid it's going the way of marriage equality and there's been a shift? 
00:29:18 Seven's Summer of Nazis
00:30:39 A reconciliation commission?
00:34:16 Dumb arguments for Jan 26, feat "the world today would be different if we changed history"
00:45:04 The empathy gap
00:50:00 Seeing the problems in what we once liked
00:57:38 Australia Vs Humanity, or does Australia deserve celebrating at all? Refugee told by ABF that if she has the necessary heart operation, she has to leave her son on Nauru; Stateless man held for 8 years and counting; 48 refugees leave PNG for the US, 130 to leave Nauru, 2000 remain. Dutton vs NZ; Dutton concealing contracts from Senate.

Episode 45 - We'll All Be Murdered In Our Beds (feat Ginger Turner)

00:01:24 Victorian crime rate down; Libs declare we're about to be murdered by "african gangs"
00:11:30 welfare beatup 2018
00:28:26 when blackouts don't fit the narrative
00:29:46 religious privileges enquiry and secret submissions
00:43:30 stuck in my craw - Dave Gaukroger
00:47:51 discussion about what kind of Australia we could be, and how we can fight for it in 2018

Episode 44 - The Truffle Reshuffle (feat guest host Dave Gaukroger)

00:04:13 the silencing charities who dare advocate for the vulnerable bill (introduced minutes after marriage equality)
00:07:30 the Michaelia Cash union raid story keep simmering
00:09:28 Australia ducks the Jerusalem vote, apparently we're now okay with escalating tensions there
00:13:39 Turnbull's new cabinet. The Trumble Rumble. The Truffle Reshuffle.
00:16:15 ScoMo getting worried
00:19:57 the christmas warriors
00:21:04 Stuck in my Craw - Cam Smith
00:25:12 ScoMo against blasphemy
00:32:31 ScoMo endorsing US corporate tax cuts - when Australian politicians try to import US Republican schemes
00:37:18 More cabinet reshuffle - unhappy Nats
00:39:40 The WMWS kiss of death
00:44:12 science shunted from the cabinet again, and Dutton's terrifying new super department
00:46:07 Trumble praising the Bjelke-Petersen era
00:49:51 state leaders being shit: Foley vs Safe Schools; Daniel Andrews vs public spaces; Jeremy vs Apple
00:59:49 Australia Vs Humanity: follow @behrouzboochani
01:01:26 commercial offline radio station sticks up middle finger to indigenous people

Episode 43 - While you're not paying attention (feat Cam Smith)

00:01:57 In spite of Malcolm, not thanks to him
00:07:40 ScoMo's christmas surprise (MYEFO)
00:07:50 ERRATA billion, not million
00:08:24 Waiting till after Bennelong
00:11:37 ERRATA one third not two thirds
00:15:12 Discrimination against LGBTI people that continues - WA flubs it; no-one's even asking Andrews in Victoria
00:17:50 #EatShitLyle - being polite to oppressors
00:22:40 Time to fight for a bill of rights?
00:25:16 Dastyari and donations reform
00:32:33 Good riddance to Brandis
00:44:57 Trumble being a git on Q&A
00:47:23 What were you thinking voters of Bennelong
00:51:12 Whipping up hatred of the poor
00:53:00 Governments trying to stop information that should coming out (whistleblowers); being terrible at stopping information that shouldn't (our health information)
00:57:47 Royal Commission reports
01:07:06 The Greens trolling "war on xmas"