00:01:18 LNP's 2020 budget; flattening tax rates so rich pay less on deranged lie that will create "jobs"; job subsidy programs that just encourage businesses to sack one worker so they can hire a subsidised one; removing credit regulations to further inflate housing costs 0
0:26:36 Love Between The Paw Paw Trees - Trying to force poor young people to take underpaid jobs in remote areas; stenos' hard work in the propaganda mines to sell it
00:34:30 Political Agony Aunt - Nick Carr
00:39:14 Time To Fix The NBN!
00:42:49 Stuck In My Craw - Eliza Berlage
00:54:32 Scummo vs suburban coffee shops
00:58:02 Supine media and the "bubble". (BUBBLE WARNING)
01:01:26 "Centre Alliance" gives the Libs their Uni Destruction Bill (bad luck kids who want freedom to choose a course but don't have super rich parents)
01:08:36 Lambie flips a coin and decides to vote against a new cruelty to refugees
01:19:05 Victoria; Mikakos resigns; Baxendale silliness; why can't ALP actually argue what it's learned from its mistakes