Episode 128 - Disincentive To Work (feat Denise Sear-Pirko)

00:01:38 Hello Second Wave - No sick leave for casuals = mcdonald's outbreak - "Arrest Bill Gates!" - LNP Tim Smith continues his weird obsessing about "Dictator Dan" - Vic Libs plan for reopening no mention of health

00:20:04 Stuck In My Craw - Stilgherrian

00:25:04 Shit policy propped up with shameless propaganda - China stoush (prop from smh wE shOuLd stAnD uP for PriNciPlE and abc ThEy LoVe oUr StuFf) - Scummo jobseeker being liveable (let's pretend it's weekly not fortnightly) disincentive to work - "First Lady" Jenny Morrison

00:40:30 Media farewells - Buzz Feed Oz shuts - Media Watch and Alan Jones

Episode 125 - The Worst Possible Way (feat Brandon Selic)

01:20 Pandemic Inspections 05:50 Why won't you trust this trustworthy government of trustworthy people with a tracking app 09:27 $94m Emergency oil reserve kept safely where we can't get it in an emergency 13:08 Trumble reassures us that he knew the people he was giving huge power over our lives were incompetent lunatics 21:41 JobKeeper and JobSeeker debacles 30:35 Opening the things

Lockdown effect link referred to by Brandon - https://phys.org/news/2020-04-economic-worse-lockdown-social-distancing.html