Episode 72 - Being Wrong About Everything (feat Ginger Valentine)

02:20 politicising the Melbourne "terror" attack

11:51 the Vic LNP's plans to "address" violence which will make it worse

14:38 the Greens' problem with men being shit

21:46 sausages vs people's rights

30:00 the treasurer's smooth new video

36:52 ScoMo and Virgin's veteran brain fart

37:37 Barry O'Sullivan is wrong about everything, and also likes to randomly attack trans people

Episode 71 - He's had plenty of mates (feat Denise Pirko)

00:01:15 Initial press reactions to Melbourne stabbing

00:04:25 Narre Warren people at risk of ACL at their homes

00:08:15 Sad story where rich boomers who inherit a house can't get more than $1.7m for it

00:10:46 Frydenberg trying to sell renters a really dumb lie

00:13:36 Jones and Morrison vs Trumble

00:19:18 Jones helps Morrison come up with his "fair dinkum power" line

00:21:00 Jones help Frydenberg come up with his dumb "rents will rise" lie

00:23:36 Sleazy Scott and the FM crews

00:30:28 We all like paying for Slomo's empty bus

00:35:24 When you can actually appeal to people's hip pocket, but feel gross doing it - the ACF chatting with the Guardian

00:42:44 How could cost of living be something that *helps* the Libs?

00:46:00 Australia Vs Humanity - Fran Kelly can see an upside to holding kids for 5 years; Scott Morrison says he cries on his knees

01:11:17 NSW Labor's wretched former leader Luke Foley is gone

01:16:04 Mark Latham's completely disastrous first few days with One Nation

Episode 70 - Discriminatum et Bigotrum (feat Denise Pirko)

(Or, according to Google Translate, "Discrimen et odique", but it didn't work so well as a title.)

00:01:33 Matthew Guy wants to bring back religious instruction classes

00:05:15 The Vic Libs want to Get Back In Control... of the state they're entitled to rule. Also their continence.

00:08:03 Sydney Anglican Schools demand right to bully and oppress LGBTI staff; and a single Nationals MP is very angry with them for it; just wanting LGBTI people to accept being second-class citizens

00:12:16 Brandon Selic Stuck in my Craw - the Libs stealing NDIS money for drought relief

00:18:01 Sir Humphrey's Four Step Process for (not) dealing with climate change

00:19:32 Barnaby wants us to address drought like Pharaoh

00:22:16 The Libs stealing indigenous advancement money to fight against land rights

00:23:40 Tony Abbott genuinely surprised that indigenous people find him joking about "invasions" unfunny

00:25:30 Half a billion dollars for the Australian War Memorial

00:29:23 Sky News's racism problem continues - Ross Cameron attacks Chinese people

00:33:02 Australia vs Humanity - George Brandis (yes, really) claims they'll have all kids off Nauru by the end of the year. But where, and in what conditions, and why should we believe anything they claim.

00:34:12 Brazil - as the new govt prepares to bulldoze large parts of the Amazon, Australian intrasigence on climate change renders us mute

00:36:00 Fair Dinkum Power

00:36:38 Brazil - what it tells us about the rise of fascism

00:40:38 Treasurer Josh Frydenberg thinks the idea of going back to the old system of rich people who don't pay tax not being given extra cash for owning shares by taxpayers

00:44:04 Rubella eradicated in Australia

Episode 69 - Scott and the Negotiation (feat Kristin O'Connell)

00:01:20 Wentworth and minority government

00:06:41 Scott Morrison still wants LGBTI kids expelled

00:11:36 "Non-rainy day" fund for drought - which after recording we discover is funded by stealing from the NDIS

00:13:56 Is there finally hope for Scott Morrison's child hostages on Nauru?

00:36:40 Scott Morrison's cool power twitvid

00:52:54 Scott Morrison's idea of negotiations

01:00:30 Nuclear power!

01:02:58 Xenophobia in the states

01:04:00 Forcing people to regions

01:14:45 Apology to abuse survivors