Episode 43 - While you're not paying attention (feat Cam Smith)

00:01:57 In spite of Malcolm, not thanks to him
00:07:40 ScoMo's christmas surprise (MYEFO)
00:07:50 ERRATA billion, not million
00:08:24 Waiting till after Bennelong
00:11:37 ERRATA one third not two thirds
00:15:12 Discrimination against LGBTI people that continues - WA flubs it; no-one's even asking Andrews in Victoria
00:17:50 #EatShitLyle - being polite to oppressors
00:22:40 Time to fight for a bill of rights?
00:25:16 Dastyari and donations reform
00:32:33 Good riddance to Brandis
00:44:57 Trumble being a git on Q&A
00:47:23 What were you thinking voters of Bennelong
00:51:12 Whipping up hatred of the poor
00:53:00 Governments trying to stop information that should coming out (whistleblowers); being terrible at stopping information that shouldn't (our health information)
00:57:47 Royal Commission reports
01:07:06 The Greens trolling "war on xmas"

Episode 42 - Looking For Good News (feat Denise Pirko)

(Recorded Wednesday night)

01:30 Why Rodney was busy
03:30 Australian government trying to permanently deprive a daughter of her father - on Nauru, so it doesn't bother the ACL
05:43 We remember 2004
18:05 When you can only develop empathy when you know a person affected personally
19:10 Alex Lum's stuck in my craw - the out of context "they voted with X" smear
24:20 ALP preferring to fight the Greens in lefty seats than the Liberals in marginal seats like Sukkar's
26:45 Vic govt passes euthanasia laws
27:04 Vic police vs Milo
28:53 Trans kids no longer need to go to court
29:24 Victory over Streets, so Splices aren't a problem any more
30:22 Malcolm's banking royal commission vs industry super funds
30:57 Hunt considering taking endometriosis seriously
33:07 Liberals lose in Queensland; Triple J moves Hottest 100 from Australia day; Mitch Fifield seizes on chance to distract from debacle of NBN halting rollout
35:39 When you think proposals to change the status quo are "political", but that the status quo itself isn't
37:13 "What can I do that will make the lefties that I know the angriest"

Episode 41 - the ghoul returns (feat Alex Lum)

We recorded this on Wednesday night, before the latest atrocities on Manus, and also we were not aware of the very good news that would have made a lovely chaser - that Streets caved and you can now buy GayTimes and Splices again.

So instead we covered
- the Ruddock investigation into just which indefensible new religious rights should be imposed on us
- Malcolm's attempts to hang on for a few more days by proroguing parliament and offering some tax cuts
- Barnaby prefers his dodgy payments in the form of giant novelty cheques
- Queensland state election
- Victorian euthanasia debate and Northcote result
- Australia Vs Humanity: international attention on our atrocities; cholera risk at Manus, NZ proposal maybe not as dead as threatened?