Episode 149 "Things Kids Shouldn't Hear" (feat Tom Ballard)
ALP stands up to scientists!
ALP stands up to the Greens!
Bluey declares war on Squibs!
ALP stands up to scientists!
ALP stands up to the Greens!
Bluey declares war on Squibs!
00:01:26 Reckless Easing, the 56% Opening story
00:23:28 rules for thee not for me - Scummo's ode to being a dad
00:32:55 Ablo just giving up - revenue, housing affordability
00:47:50 Why Bandt's "tax the billionaires" pitch isn't the election winner he thinks it is
00:51:40 remember the reverse ratchet
00:55:46 Spending always about cost not benefit
01:01:10 Afghanistan non-rescue: waste of a PM
01:08:10 Tudge-ucation
01:09:10 Lyle's bad day
00:02:10 Housing Affordability Is Screwing You, Too
00:39:30 Lockdowns, Anti-Vicsers
01:01:15 What Is The Point Of All This Anyway
00:01:42 Brother Scott's Divine Mission
00:54:26 Labor Being Depressing Corner
00:01:20 A difficult subject to discuss - the people who are qualified to talk on it are traumatised
00:04:40 That's not what "the presumption of innocence" means
00:08:30 Who's responsible for fixing Australia's terrible defamation laws? A man who's using them to punish journalists
00:16:50 March 4 Justice much scarier than a gun protest
00:28:35 Scummo getting away with starving the poor bc everyone's letting him sell the cut as "an increase"
00:36:36 NSW police commissioner's "consent app" brain fart
00:40:01 When Scummo says "jobs" he means "a policy that will make yours harder and less secure"
00:43:22 Imagine you wanted to join the ALP
00:45:11 Australia vs Humanity - more Dutton dehumanising whoever he can