Episode 148 "Not really sure why he's there (feat Nick Carr)"

00:01:26 Reckless Easing, the 56% Opening story

00:23:28 rules for thee not for me - Scummo's ode to being a dad

00:32:55 Ablo just giving up - revenue, housing affordability

00:47:50 Why Bandt's "tax the billionaires" pitch isn't the election winner he thinks it is

00:51:40 remember the reverse ratchet

00:55:46 Spending always about cost not benefit

01:01:10 Afghanistan non-rescue: waste of a PM

01:08:10 Tudge-ucation

01:09:10 Lyle's bad day

Episode 145 "Presumption of Nonsense" (feat Denise Sear-Pirko)

00:01:20 A difficult subject to discuss - the people who are qualified to talk on it are traumatised

00:04:40 That's not what "the presumption of innocence" means

00:08:30 Who's responsible for fixing Australia's terrible defamation laws? A man who's using them to punish journalists

00:16:50 March 4 Justice much scarier than a gun protest

00:28:35 Scummo getting away with starving the poor bc everyone's letting him sell the cut as "an increase"

00:36:36 NSW police commissioner's "consent app" brain fart

00:40:01 When Scummo says "jobs" he means "a policy that will make yours harder and less secure"

00:43:22 Imagine you wanted to join the ALP

00:45:11 Australia vs Humanity - more Dutton dehumanising whoever he can