Episode 141 "Back from the dead (Rookwood)" (feat Denise Sear-Pirko)
New year, new opportunities (to do terrible things)
New year, new opportunities (to do terrible things)
00:01:00 #ScottyDidntHelp
00:07:40 $50/day
00:20:25 propaganda by boardgame
00:29:18 where are the journos calling out the $50/day madness
00:33:40 shut up I'm the PM and they asked me about lady experiences
00:39:00 Porter and Tudge shitty misogynists as well as terrible in all the other ways
00:49:30 ugh exclusives
We don't talk about the US election. We don't talk about the US election. We don't talk about the US election.
Ok we do a bit. But it's mainly about how cooked centrism is and how infuriating it is when the Libs pretend to do a policy we all want (eg ICAC) but it isn't really. Also there was an election in Queensland.
Brandon joins us to discuss the upcoming Queensland election and also how cruel people are being about a more southerly premier dating a bloke after she sacked him for corruption AS IF WE HAVEN'T ALL DONE THAT. Also we have more advice for Daniel Andrews? How much more presumptuous can a lefty political podcast get?
00:01:18 LNP's 2020 budget; flattening tax rates so rich pay less on deranged lie that will create "jobs"; job subsidy programs that just encourage businesses to sack one worker so they can hire a subsidised one; removing credit regulations to further inflate housing costs 0
0:26:36 Love Between The Paw Paw Trees - Trying to force poor young people to take underpaid jobs in remote areas; stenos' hard work in the propaganda mines to sell it
00:34:30 Political Agony Aunt - Nick Carr
00:39:14 Time To Fix The NBN!
00:42:49 Stuck In My Craw - Eliza Berlage
00:54:32 Scummo vs suburban coffee shops
00:58:02 Supine media and the "bubble". (BUBBLE WARNING)
01:01:26 "Centre Alliance" gives the Libs their Uni Destruction Bill (bad luck kids who want freedom to choose a course but don't have super rich parents)
01:08:36 Lambie flips a coin and decides to vote against a new cruelty to refugees
01:19:05 Victoria; Mikakos resigns; Baxendale silliness; why can't ALP actually argue what it's learned from its mistakes