Episode 176 "IRL (feat Nick Carr)"

01:15 Nick sells out

03:17 Lefty indoctrination spreading

04:45 ABC pretends housing crisis is just about immigration

07:20 Moreton Bay council listens to residents who want it to attack homeless people

15:59 Virtue signalling gone mad, Nick and Jeremy have a go about blaming foreigners for everything

18:08 Nick and Jeremy bang on about housing as if they want it to be affordable or something

27:47 Some woke commie BS about liveable wages and worker solidarity helping each other, frankly do these guys even want huge corporate profits at the expense of working people

34:20 Don't know if you heard about this Trump/Zelensky oval office thing but there was a thing, bit obscure, but Nick was there to tell Jeremy about it

46:08 Nick and Jeremy finally looking for some of the jokes Boomers like

Episode 176 "IRL (feat Nick Carr)"
Jeremy Sear-Pirko and Nick Carr