Episode 110 - Woke Inner-city Lunatics (feat Denise Pirko)

02:30 Folau blaming bushfires on marriage equality - opportunity to separate him from supporters and harm the Religious Discrimination Bill (which Porter is threatening to make even worse)

05:18 Scummo bushfires - cricket; nothing we can do on climate change but we're doing lots

15:34 Emerson "international green socialism" is "white supremacy" article, along with supportive tweets by Crabb, Sales, Riley etc

Episode 109 - "Upsetting the Children" (feat Daile Kelleher)

Episode 109 - "Upsetting the Children" (feat Daile Kelleher)

11k climate scientists warning of "untold suffering"


- Scummo saying protesters are indulgent (AUDIO)

- Dutton wanting protesters to pay for police, to lose social security (AUDIO)

- Marles agrees, says they're not protesting for a cause (AUDIO)

- Scummo promises Queensland Resources Council he's going to stop secondary boycotts (AUDIO)

Stories we had to skim:

- The Libs admitting in court they were trying to look like the aec

- NSW police minister saying strip searching kids is fine and he wouldnt mind it happening to his kids

- Georgina Downer gives up on SA

- Margaret Court demands to be treated like Rod Laver. Her remarks back in the 70s/80s "She is a great player but I'd like somebody at the top to whom the younger players can look up" and "It is very sad for children to be exposed to it". (She meant Navratilova and "homosexuality")

- Leunig's infuriatingly absurd non-apology (endorsed by the Oz's political editor appalled he had to write an apology, which of course it wasn't)

ALP Self-Review

- Tom Ballard has the ALP's avoidance of division Stuck In His Craw

- Lessons not learned

Episode 107 - Gishing a Gallop (feat Cam Smith)

00:00:56 Ita vs "political correctness"

00:10:25 Medevac - Lambie suggesting we need to be crueller to refugees fleeing war in Syria

00:18:10 NewStart 2nd lowest payment (or lowest) in OECD; Andrew Laming dismissing business calls to raise NewStart; Townsville mayor vs homeless; disturbing poll on Indue/drug testing

00:38:33 Extinction Rebellion protests; absurd bail conditions; Dutton wants vigilantes to go after protesters; Kerry-anne Kennerley wants them run over or starved

00:49:30 Qld Labor vs protesters; Labor voting to take $3.9bn from education investment fund to go to "disaster relief"; Richard Marles really just wants to join the Libs

01:06:40 Martyn Iles gish gallop at NPC; Mark Kenny retort

01:28:20 Stuck In My Craw - Tim Whitehead

01:34:55 What's Scummo been up to? Viciously harmful remarks attacking trans kids; revealing jokes to Tas Libs; weird associations with QAnon cranks