Episode 100 - Let Them Eat Something In Dubbo (feat Ginger Valentine and Denise Sear-Pirko)

00:03:12 McCormack wants people starving on NewStart to "move to the regions". Also let's just talk about social security for a moment.

00:26:27 NIB boss Mark Fitzgibbon wants the govt to abolish medicare and force everyone to take up private health insurance

00:45:40 Labor votes to give Peter Dutton the power to deny any one of us entry to Australia without a court process and without right of appeal.

00:53:00 Albo and the ALP - bitch and fold; "easy answers"

01:05:27 Australia Vs Humanity - Imprisoning an infant, at 2 years old her teeth have rotted and have been been removed.

Episode 99 - A Positive Spin (feat Brandon Selic)

00:02:00 Ablo don't call liars liars

00:04:30 Marles and Labor pushing for a more generous pension regime if you own property

00:07:06 NewStart - Labor saying it's up to govt.

00:14:49 Luke Howarth's "positive spin" on homelessness

00:15:30 RDN not attacking Labor, just being an actual opposition

00:20:40 Pyne & Bishop cleared by govt as not being in breach of standards

00:22:53 Marles: coal industry should be 'celebrated'

00:23:50 Matt Canavan thinks coal improves air quality

00:25:10 Abbott: dark satanic mills

00:27:30 Paul Murray blaming Labor for cost of LNP's deal with Lambie

00:30:38 Adani getting data on public servants - Deputy PM thinks it's fine

00:33:20 NBN - both for netflix, but also killed by netflix

00:36:00 Daisy against corporate involvement in politics

00:38:26 PNG deporting Nick McKim for looking into Lorengau

A reminder for progressives not to vote Labor

Labor today voting with the LNP to cut $158bn from revenue in tax cuts for upper middle to upper class Australians. Next will come the brutal cuts to the poor to pay for it. Only Adam Bandt and Andrew Wilkie voted against this obscenity.

If the shot seems familiar, it is similar to the photo in the WMWS logo from 2010 when only Adam Bandt and Andrew Wilkie voted against offshore detention brutality for refugees.

Episode 97 - A Lovely Antidote (feat Tom Ballard)

00:02:29 Ratchet time - it's the squandering billions on tax cuts phase and both big parties are here to vote for them!

00:06:58 Interlude: Labor gives up on NewStart

00:10:58 Splitting off the even more absurd tax cuts

00:14:58 "Politics Of Envy"

00:26:57 Israel Bloody Folau and the pitch for a new Religious Privilege

00:46:00 Post hoc ergo propter hoc, Lyle Shelton, and the end of the "Australian Conservatives"

00:48:00 Pyne's new job

00:50:49 Trump praising our cruelty to refugees; Scammo Telling China And The US What For

00:54:00 War In Iran?!?!

01:00:54 Australia Vs Humanity - refugee in Manus to be charged with attempting suicide

01:05:27 Tom's Happy Thought